This was taken post wedding and after several glasses of chapagne!
All in all, it was a wonderful wedding. The ceremony was very sweet and James started to cry when Robin came down the aisle with Rich. I love weddings! We danced like fiends all night. I was so happy because the DJ (same as my wedding) played Sexy Back (my new favorite song). We stayed at the deAnza afterwards with everyone and sat in the lobby until 1:00 just talking and hanging out. It was a really wonderful time.
On another note, Tim and I are off to hockey this friday. I'm going to get a new sweatshirt with my "shark pack" discount. Yippee! I have to say, the Sharks organization really takes care of their fans.
Anyhoo, it is time for my nightly bath and milk/cookie/chocolate combination. I'm looking for a new set of jammies too as the nights have turned cool. Hmmm..perhaps a trip to JC Penneys? Who's with me? =)
Me, Kelley and her maid of honour Corrine
Tim and I were very blessed to be able to go to Canada for this wedding. I always knew that I would see Kelley and Alex get married, but words can't describe what a feeling it was. The ceremony took place outside and the weather was beautiful. I was surprisingly tear-free through the ceremony and the ceremony was short but sweet. After that, we had a long break until the reception in the evening. Tim and I went back to the hotel and I caught up on some much needed sleep while Tim watched all of season 2 of Lost. He is completely caught up now, ready for the new season. =)
After our nap/Lost watching, we went down to get the party started. The dinner was fantastic. We had 5 courses! Of course, it was an Italian influenced event so you can imagine how tasty everything was. Like I said before, I was able to hold in the tears until I signed the guestbook. I think then it hit me that Kelley and I now don't know when we'll see in each other again. I always knew when she left last year that I would see her at my wedding and then at her wedding, but now....who knows. We have to get together to do some continuing education in Vegas or something along those lines. I can't go more than a year without seeing her. But it was really good that I was able to cry about it and then make peace with it. I know that she is where she is supposed to be. I was just lucky to have her in my life for 3 and half years. True friendship knows no boundaries or time zones or life changes. Seeing her again was just like the old times. I know that she and I will always be connected no matter how much distance separates us.
And in the end it's good to be home. Nothing is better than walking into your own space after you've been away. Like I said, Kelley is where she is supposed to be and I am too. It was just nice to be able to hug her, say I love you and I miss you. I said my peace. I am content. =)
Chris and Eric looking fab as always!
Anyway, the wedding was really beautiful and we had a super time. The hotel we stayed at was really nice and I especially enjoyed it as the chair in our room was Burberry. I tried to steal it but I think they would have noticed and I can't really afford a 3,000 dollar chair right now...so best that Tim stopped me from hauling it down to my car.
Yesterday I went to see The Devil Wears Prada with my girls (Sar and B). It was cute but very different from the book. That is always to be expected though, as books are ALWAYS better than the movies. After the film, we took a stroll around the Great Mall. We all wound up purchasing some good stuff. I'm especially happy as I got two new pairs of jeans. Let me just say that shopping for pants is pretty much torture for me. If I wind up going to hell, my punishment will be shopping for pants. In this day and age, everything is low rise. However, they don't take into account that sometimes, those of us with a short torso need a higher rise. My waist is techinically almost up by my boobs. =) Ha Ha. Anyway, I got two new pairs of Calvin Klein jeans that are very comfy and fit well. I will have to stretch them out a bit though, as one always does when one buys new pants. Last night I put them on and did the usual squat to the floor, leg stretches and rolling around on the bed that I'm sure most of you girls out there can relate to. However, I think that the more I wear them, the looser they will be. Did you know that you are not supossed to wash denim unless there is an actual spill on them? It keeps them comfy for much longer. Of course you must wash them if you are stinky, but girls usually are not.
The world cup final is almost over. It's in the 68th minute. I'm not really rooting for either side as England was sent home by Portugal (Grr...Chris). We have to hate the frogs as that is what the English do, however, so many of them play for clubs in England and Zidane is so old that I wish he could retire with a championship. On the other hand, Italy is a good club and I'm sure Kelley and Alex are rooting for them with all their heart =)
So, I'm going to finish my giant coffee I got from Krispy Kreme this morning. Their coffee is not that bad and is about 3 times as big as Starbucks. It's a vat really...but what the hell, it's Sunday. Plus, I'm wearing my exercise clothes that I don't exercise in..so I may as well take it to the max and drink coffee and doughnuts to top off the day of non-excercise. So, if any of you are out there wearing your exercise clothes that you don't exercise in, go get yourself a vat of coffee, a doughnut and sit on the couch. Believe me, you'll love it. =)
This trip I decided that I wanted lots of pictures of my family and I as we usually take lots of scenery pics but not a lot of people pics. Tim and my Dad were on photo duty and they did a super job. This is my new smile I'm practing. Note how I'm not showing too much teeth...too much teeth equals Lisa with squinty eyes...yuck.
So in the end it was a great trip. We stayed at the Paradise Pier hotel which was really nice and a fun change from the Park Inn that we usually stay in. It's been a long time since I actually stayed at the Disneyland Resort as they call it. The last time was when I was little and Robin got sick when we jumped on the beds and Brian shot little nerf golf balls onto the roof of the building below us. Good times, of course.
It's always a bummer coming home as it's hard to come down from the sugar/Disney high that I get. Actually, we really didnt' do that bad with our eating this time and didn't gorge ourselves on too much crap. The first night I was worried because they cancelled the fireworks due to high winds. So we went to see Fantasmic, this super cool water show where they back project film clips onto a big sheet spray of water and then of course there is fire and fireworks which I always enjoy. On Saturday night, they delayed the fireworks for a bit but then they went on with the show. It was cool because they had a set of fireworks for every Disney ride, including a set for the Electrical Parade which now runs in California Adventure. So, I was happy in the end as I got to see my fireworks and celebrate the 50th anniversary before it ends in 2 weeks. All in all I think the trip was probably the best I've ever had. At least I have our Christmas trip to look forward to! Viva Disney!