Sunday, January 08, 2006

My mind is clear

This New Year has been the best for me. I have decided to leave my office that I work at and get another job. I'll still be a chiropractor, but I'm just not happy where I am. I really feel as though I was on the brink of depression for the past few months. I just hid it really well as neither Tim nor my mum and dad saw it for what it truly was. I was just forcing myself to believe something that wasn't true. Now that I've decided to change my life, it's like my mind has completely become clear. I've felt great everyday since last week when I made my decision. I've started exercising again. I'm eating well, sleeping well. What a difference this has all made. I think the thing for me now is to just keep up my resolve and not lose sight of my goals. I do feel as though this is not just a phase for me. Once my mind is set to something, it's on!


Clockworkchris said...

Hi, Found you at Bee's Site. Sounds like you have a good plan down for yourself this year. I read a lot of your page but just decided to make one general comment rather than making you find each little one on every post. Weddings are always exciting, mine is this year too! It's great that your dad is just 60, trust me on that one-we are the same age and my father died 4 years ago at age 70. This is not depressing me, so don't let it get you down-just a fact-he's in a better place. Well, thanks for the good read-Enjoyed your site immensely. :)

ThatBeeGirl said...

I am so happy for you! I can seriously notice the difference in you after reading this and our conversation last week. I have a feeling this is going to be a great year for you. :)

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Lis I am so glad for you that you have found a path that will make you happy.

I am on the other end of the spectrum right now.
