Monday, March 06, 2006

Up in arms

Are we all ready to take up arms and protest the surprise win of Crash last night, as everyone else in Hollywood seems to be? The Oscars have turned into something difficult for me, as I'm finding over the past few years that I'm not seeing a lot of nominees until they come out on DVD so of course I haven't seen them when the award season rolls around. Ironically enough, Tim and I just watched Crash yesterday. Do I think that is deserved it's win? I don't know. I haven't seen all the rest so I don't think it is fair to say. I already have the other movies in the que on Netflix but who knows when Brokeback Mountain will roll out on the DVD? Crash was a good movie and I liked it more than Tim. However, it was more of a "How many famous people can we pack into a movie about stereotypes" type of deal. I think the best part of it was Ludacris talking about how black people shouldn't use the n-word anymore because it is degrading. White people don't go around calling each other honky and cracker, he says. So why do black people continue to use that word? He makes a good point although an ironic one (I'm sure it was planned that way), because as a rapper, he is the champion of using the n-word every chance he gets. Oh well, Crash is at least decent, but I won't make my final decision on it's win worthiness until I've seen the rest. Hell, I just saw Finding Neverland which was nominated last year! Good movie by the way. Johnnie Depp at his finest.
Anyway, enough about the Oscars. I have to finish my work comp stuff before our office meeting this morning. Have a good day all...

1 comment:

ThatBeeGirl said...

I dunno.
Like you, I've only seen "Crash" of the pix nominated for "Best Picture." (I did see "Hustle & Flow," and dug it.) I want to see the rest of them now. My dad has seen all but two, and agreed "Crash" was the best of them. So much so that he wants to see it again.

p.s.--I'm glad you're updating your blog a lot.
