Me, Kelley and her maid of honour Corrine

The ceremony outside in the botanical gardens.
Tim and I were very blessed to be able to go to Canada for this wedding. I always knew that I would see Kelley and Alex get married, but words can't describe what a feeling it was. The ceremony took place outside and the weather was beautiful. I was surprisingly tear-free through the ceremony and the ceremony was short but sweet. After that, we had a long break until the reception in the evening. Tim and I went back to the hotel and I caught up on some much needed sleep while Tim watched all of season 2 of Lost. He is completely caught up now, ready for the new season. =)
After our nap/Lost watching, we went down to get the party started. The dinner was fantastic. We had 5 courses! Of course, it was an Italian influenced event so you can imagine how tasty everything was. Like I said before, I was able to hold in the tears until I signed the guestbook. I think then it hit me that Kelley and I now don't know when we'll see in each other again. I always knew when she left last year that I would see her at my wedding and then at her wedding, but now....who knows. We have to get together to do some continuing education in Vegas or something along those lines. I can't go more than a year without seeing her. But it was really good that I was able to cry about it and then make peace with it. I know that she is where she is supposed to be. I was just lucky to have her in my life for 3 and half years. True friendship knows no boundaries or time zones or life changes. Seeing her again was just like the old times. I know that she and I will always be connected no matter how much distance separates us.
And in the end it's good to be home. Nothing is better than walking into your own space after you've been away. Like I said, Kelley is where she is supposed to be and I am too. It was just nice to be able to hug her, say I love you and I miss you. I said my peace. I am content. =)
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