Monday, November 28, 2005

What the deuce is this?

Check out this Butt Ugly Dog. How sad is this thing? I saw it last week on Regis and Kelly and thought it was a giant rat! But no, it's a dog..and from California no less. Anyway, I hope that didn't frighten you too much. Today was a good day for me. I got to hang out with my mum and dad which I haven't done for a long time. We had a nice dinner, bought some stuff for Chrimbo (Christmas, England style) and then I came home. What's up with the rain now? Although, we really shouldn't be complaining about it considering my friend Kelley said it is -17 celcius in Canada. YIKES! A little rain doesn't seem so bad now.
Don sent me my copy of King Kong the game for the 360 so I believe it is now time for a little monkey bashing! Good night and good luck.


Marcy said...

Oh my lord that looks like something out of Gremlins!! It was so ugly it crashed my browser! wow

ThatBeeGirl said...

I didn't click on the link because I've seen the damn thing before and it frightened me. For real. You know it died the other day? (Maybe your link says that, but hell if I'm clicking it!)
It's called 'Chrimbo' in Australia, too. :)

Tim said...

Wow, I'm impressed that the dog was able to crash Marcy's browser. That is some kinda ugly...