Sunday, November 27, 2005

Struck down by a disease

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and thought it was just due to the fact that Tim and I are sleeping with the windows open. However, it has persisted and now I'm feeling like crap. We had a nice dinner with our friends though. Perhaps I can fight off this cold with some tea and sleep. It better be gone by thursday as we are going to Disneyland! Yay! I'm so excited to see the 50th annivery celebrations in conjunction with the Christmas decorations. It will really put me in the mood for Christmas. Although, I have already started decorating the apartment. I copy the set ups out of the Pottery Barn catalogue with things bought from Target and B,B&B. Nothing like the Tar-get to spice up your life...


ThatBeeGirl said...

Yikes, I didn't know you were feeling under the weather! Get well soon, dood!
Tar-jay is good for all that ails you. :)

Tim said...

*keeps his distance, within reason*

I don't want to get sick prior to Disneyland!

Oh well, we can be miserable together in the happiest place on earth, right?

ThatBeeGirl said...


Marcy said...

Target is my favorite place on earth.