Monday, October 31, 2005

Oh dear God! Every damn time!

Some random soccer mom gave me the finger today while driving because I didn't slam on my brakes to let her over as she merged at the last minute. I was so shocked that I didn't even believe it at first. What the hell? Don't wait til the last minute BITCH! Those frickin arrows that tell you to merge start way before you need to. I guess it's just another sign that most people out there in the world are idiots. Today is Halloween, but it doesn't really feel like it because it is a monday. What the deuce is that all about? How are we supposed to ask like fools on a school nite? Oh well, I will try my best at my beloved friends' party tonight. I think that I need to step up my vitamins because I feel like crap. I just have no energy for anything yet I have a billion things to do. Why is it then when you have so many things to do, you can't do anything???!?!?! Stupid laws of the world. Oh well. Perhaps it is time for some AD. Nothing like AD to cheer you up. Lisa love Michael.
PS- Jason Bateman got Punk'd last night. He looked so friggin hot until he started smoking. What the deuce? Why does the world still think it is ok to smoke? I hope he sees it and realizes how much he looks like a fool. He can join the club with Matthew loves....


ThatBeeGirl said...

I NEED to see that episode of Punk'd! Hello, TiVo!

ThatBeeGirl said...

Just so you know...
My new blog address is

ThatBeeGirl said...


Supposedly Annyong is back in the newest episode(s)!