Dear Chloe,
You are now 5 months old. Practically a teenager in my eyes. You are growing so quickly, changing everyday. When I look back at pictures of you when you were born, I can hardly believe that you have morphed into the infant you are now. Gone is that fragile, wobbly, screaming baby and in her place is a sturdy little girl, ready to sit up on her own and take on the world.
Our path was rough. Just getting you here into the world was ugly. I haven't even written about my labour because I've pretty much blocked it from my mind. I don't want to re-live that experience. To quote dooce "it sucked and then I cried".
Nursing you was such a challenge. There were many days and nights filled with tears over why I was in so much pain and why we weren't having this awesome experience that I heard about. And I suppose that is somewhat still true. I can't wait until you are 1 and you can start having cow's milk. I would like my body back please. I've shared it with you for 14 months already. But that's ok as I see how you are thriving with nursing and I wouldn't have it any other way.
We could also talk about sleep. You do not sleep well at night. My mom says it is payback from when I was a child as I was a poor sleeper as well. It's so frustrating when strangers go "oh she should be sleeping through the night by now". Well you don't. (See, cranky from lack of sleep)
But would I change anything? Not at all. I really can't remember what my life was like before you were here. It's amazing how much love you can have for one little thing. Even on days where I am up to my ears in your poop and cheesy spit up, you flash me that smile and my heart melts. And now, there's even teeth involved. TEETH!
So yes, of course I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful for your smile, your laugh, your smell, your cuddles, the way you hang onto me when I carry you, the way you reach for me when I pick you up, the splashing in the bathtub and a myriad of other things that I can't even begin to list now. I'm thankful that we are going to be able to share a lot of firsts with family and friends too. First thanksgiving, first Christmas, first Birthday. You've already had your first trip to Disneyland. =)
So thanks for being you. I couldn't ask for anything more.

there is much to be thankful for. you and tim are very lucky to have such a beautiful, healthy little chlo. happy thanksgiving, friend. :)
Breastfeeding is portrayed as this wonderful, peaceful, loving experience... and sometimes it is. But sometimes, and especially at the beginning, it can (almost literally) suck the life out of you. After the first couple months I grew to enjoy breastfeeding more, it still was only some of the time. It also felt like a burden a lot of the time. I often looked forward to being done with it, and while I am very glad now that I nursed D for 14 months and plan to do the same whenever we have another one, I am also very very glad to be enjoying this time when my body is *my own* again.
Anyway, I know this is kind of an old post but I just wanted to share that.
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