Friday, February 23, 2007

Part deux

The master bedroom....It'll be pretty big without such a giant bed in it.

The master can see the reflection of the walk in closet in the mirror. I chose not to show you all the full view of the bathrooms as we are going to replace the tubs. You can come and experience the new ones!

This is the den/office/guest room. I love the french doors that open/close this room off. We are getting a new desk, small futon/couch for this room and all the non-essential game stuff will go in this room.

So that's it. Of course the pictures don't really do the place justice and I can't wait for you all to see it. We are right next to McDonald's, BK, Safeway, Quiznos, Starbucks, Walgreens and nail salon. This place was meant for me. Oh, and we're only 5 minues from Valley Fair as well. LOVE IT!

Before the masses beat me....

Here is our new kitchen. Tim is most excited about the ice machine in the fridge
Here is the view from our balcony. We can see the hills!
This is the entryway when you walk in the front door. I love the little round ceiling.
So I tried to post more pictures but Blogger is being cranky so I will put them in a separate post.
This place will be ours on March 13th. Countdown is on!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

We could live in a mansion in South Dakota

Tim and I are in the process of buying a place. It is very nerve-racking and I have a lot of anxiety. All of you who own can attest to this feeling. I am truly looking forward to actually owning a small piece of this great area and I'm excited that I can do whatever I want with it.
Tim keeps on looking up places for sale in really random places outside of this area saying constructive things like "we could have 6 bedrooms and goats if we lived in (insert random state not on a coast here)...
What he says is true, however, we wouldn't be in the bay area. This has become my home and I couldn't leave it.
The one sad thing about leaving Oakwood is leaving the squirrel army that we have amassed. I am worried that they will become weak and feeble without our nourishing distribution of peanuts already de-shelled for their convenience. I asked Tim today if we could trap a few and bring them with us to the new place. He said the HOA might have a problem with that. I think he is right.