Thursday, July 29, 2010

7 months

7 months? Really? I reiterate the title of my last post. EPIC FAIL! Of course I could always blame the kiddo for my absence, but really, it's just that I'm not a good blogger. I spend too much time snooping on other people and reading about them.

And why now return? Because a blog I have been reading has really made an impact on me.
read it
It's awesome

Just an excerpt that really hit me today
what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Because these moments?

It's going to the beach, the woods, the park, the mountains, the store, the classroom, the office, a friend's house, your parents' house, your child's house, your own house...searching for the marrow of life, and sucking the bejesus out of it. It's the moment you held your arms out to welcome these flailing, crying tiny little creatures that fit deep into your grasp but even deeper into your heart. It's loving your kids with every fiber of your being.

It's in accepting that we are unfinished projects and in loving the finishing challenges that lie ahead. It's in happiness.

Talk about talent for writing. Thanks Kelle.

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